The Spiritual Newsletter

The Newsletter from the Abbey of Saint Joseph de Clairval aims to help Christians, and all those who wish to receive it, to know and love the Saviour, Jesus Christ Our Lord, to listen to his word and to walk in his footsteps, in the midst of the difficulties of this world, to the port of blessed eternity. To do this, she gives a broad outline of the lives and examples of saints and converts, and combines them with the teachings of the Church’s magisterium. Many find comfort and encouragement for their daily lives.

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The Spiritual Newsletter is free to receive; there’s no subscription fee.

However, for this work, which isentirely carried out by the monks, from editing to dispatch, we need your support. In order to continue and increase the distribution of the Spiritual Newsletter, you can help us in two ways:

– By sending us the addresses of people who might be interested in receiving this Newsletter at or by post: Abbaye Saint-Joseph de Clairval – 6 Grande Rue – 21150 Flavigny-sur-Ozerain – France

– By helping us financially.

In addition to being published in English, German, Dutch, Italian and Spanish, over 100 kg of mail is dispatched to all five continents every week. May Saint Joseph reward you for what you can do!

Recounting the lives of saints and converts who loved and followed Christ, our Letters offer examples of the Gospel lived out.


Our letters previous …
… since 1996

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Saint-Joseph de Clairval Abbey