All guests who arrive will be received like Christ, for he himself will one day say:
“I asked hospitality and you received me. [ Mt 25, 35 ] ”
To all of them, the honor due to them will be shown, especially to those close to us in the faith [ Ga 6, 10 ] and to pilgrims.
When staying at Saint-Joseph de Clairval abbey,
two options are available:
• Five-day retreats preached by the abbey fathers areorganized throughout the year, inspired by the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.
These include lectures, participation in the liturgy, times of personal prayer and meditation, and talks with the Fathers, for those who wish to do so.
These retreats are particularly suited to people who wish to deepen their Christian life. The Ignatian approach helps to enlighten the mind on the intangible truths of the faith, with a view to leading souls towards holiness.
• Individual welcome at the guesthouse, with participation in daily liturgy (spiritual guidance available). This reception takes place exclusively outside the time of preached retreats.